Four Holy Truths
(cattāri ariya-saccāni, cattāri ārya-satyāni) is the four holy (wholly wholesome: all-inclusive/universal, the usual translation as "noble" is thus mistranslation) truth/true nature of things/phenomena, i.e., 1) truth/reality of suffering (dukkha-sacca, duhkha-satya, due to dependent co-origination, 苦諦), 2) that of origin (samudaya-sacca, samudaya-satya, 集諦:ジッタイ, of suffering, usually identified as craving/thirst, tańhā 渇愛), 3) that of cessation (nirodha-sacca, nirodha-satya, 滅諦、of the source of suffering, usually identified as nirvana, 涅槃), 4) that of paths (magga-sacca, mārga-satya, 道諦, leading to the cessation of the source of suffering, usually identified as the Eightfold Holy Path, 八聖道). This is the holy (wholly wholesome, universal harmonious) truth (existential reality) composed of four elements of how suffering originates and how it ceases. The universal truth of suffering tells that suffering exists and that all created/originated things/phenomena are suffering (undesirable, going against grain/desire, du-kkha, wrong-going, cp. su-kha, well-going, desirable, pleasant), because all created things are impermanent (not self-same) and suffering (no self-sovereign) due to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination on (limitless) causes and conditions (no self-substance/entity, thus no self-licentiousness). The second truth is that suffering exists and is originated from desire/craving/thirst/licentiousness. The third truth is that cessation exists/is possible, ultimate state of which is nirvana (cessation of wind, of karma/creation). The fourth truth is that there is the way to cease suffering, which is the way/path leading to cessation, ultimately nirvana, i.e., the Eightfold Holy Ways, etc.